Week 7: Facebook Scheduled Posts

I think my schedules post can engage my audience in different ways. For example, the first post I scheduled is just a funny posts which I know everyone can enjoy and relate to that is ready for fall weather or halloween. The second post I scheduled is more a call to action, inviting customers to come into the store. The last, and third scheduled post is an outfit that I posted with the prices listed and an invitation to message, call, or come in to purchase the items. 


  1. Hi!
    I like that you mixed up the reasons of why you are posting. I think this will help customers to be more engaging and if they are not engaged with one post they could be on the next one. I like how you have the schedule dates for the same month, however, I would suggest that you maybe time them 4-5 days apart that way you can let each post shine alone before the other post is engaging the customers.


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